Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wow was it HOT today! I went to the beach and then I did a dumb thing

Summer finally decided to arrive, in the middle of August no less! So, I decided to go to the beach today. It was pretty much a perfect beach day, the waves were calm, the sun hot - but the traffic! OH BROTHER!

Now, I'm wondering if I just screwed myself royally. On my drive home, well, the car was blistering hot. I just got rid of a cold, and, after having the air conditioning blasting on me all the way home my nose is running and my throat is feeling a bit scratchy. I think I just did a dumb thing, I think I just caused myself to catch another cold. I've been sucking on zinc and pumping in OJ and vitamin C but, I hope it's enough.

I also had a sneezing fit and that's usually a sign that I have a cold coming on. It wouldn't be so bad but, I literally just got over one.

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