Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My first blog - I have a cold, I hate my co-worker and I'm alone

So, why a blog? Did you ever have such a bad day at work that you really just had it? Well, today was such a day for me. On Monday we had a three hour meeting, I had the unfortunate luck of sitting next to a co-worker with a cold who sneezed and coughed on me during the entire meeting. And, yes, I DO believe it is intentional since we are both trying to land the same property to list.
(I'm in Real Estate).

Anyhow, yesterday I woke up with a sore throat. Today I have the full blown cold and, I am just miserable. I have a fever, chills, stuffed nose, raspy throat that hurts when I swallow. In other words, it's going to be a bad one.

Ok, yes, we all get colds but, I'm divorced less than a year and, this is the first cold I am going through alone since college. I'm currently 43. Yes, I know I won't die and I know it will pass and I know lots of other people are going through similar situations but, I just feel alone. Know what I mean?

It's just nice to have someone around, in my case I prefer a sweet female, who pampers you when you have a cold. Like make chicken soup or get you a blanket. Just the little things that let you know she cares.

I haven't had the interest in dating yet. I'm still trying to get over my ex-wife cheating on me and how I didn't know it for almost 18 months. This is what I get for working hard, taking her out every weekend for whatever she wanted to do, give her everything she asked for and, being attentive to her. And, no, this isn't a call for every yenta in the greater Tri-State area to come after me. I just want to find a normal girl.

Well, I'm going to take a nap. Not that anyone is going to read this anyhow...

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