Monday, September 21, 2009

Last Day of Summer

Today marks the last day of summer and tomorrow Fall arrives. I've always loved the fall, it's the transformation period between summer and winter, and, there is so much to look forward to in the Fall. Everything from football and the NYC marathon to Halloween to the beautiful show nature puts on each year.

'Fall, leaves, fall'
by Emily Jane Bronte

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree.

I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow;
I shall sing when night's decay
Ushers in a drearier day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What did I just do?

This weekend has been interesting to say the least. Somehow I let my friends talk me into a ski vacation in February during Valentine's Day weekend into President's Day so we only have to take 4 days vacation time. While I do enjoy skiing or in my case falling...I'm now wondering why in the middle of winter I am going to snowy Colorado instead of heading South to the beautiful warm Caribbean. Or if I did agree to skiing, why didn't I insist harder to head to Europe? For some reason being in Europe on Valentine's Day doesn't sound as nearly as depressing as it does going to Colorado. Don't ask me why because I haven't got a clue.

Any cute girls between the ages of 29 and 35 want to go skiing?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mamma Mia - I want to see it AGAIN!!

I LOVED IT! Except I can't get the song Mamma Mia out of my head now!! And yes ok I admit it, I was wrong to scoff! And I want to go back and see it again! YES! Really. Mamma Mia is absolutely the most fun of current Broadway shows and this is coming from someone who saw Rock of Ages! Just go or go again!

Mamma Mia Lyrics
Ive been cheated by you since I dont know when
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn?
I dont know how but I suddenly lose control
Theres a fire within my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, o-o-o-oh

Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much Ive missed you
Yes, Ive been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know,
My my, I could never let you go.

Ive been angry and sad about the things that you do
I cant count all the times that Ive told you were through
And when you go, when you slam the door
I think you know that you wont be away too long
You know that Im not that strong.
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, o-o-o-oh

Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much Ive missed you
Yes, Ive been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, even if I say
Bye bye, leave me now or never
Mamma mia, its a game we play
Bye bye doesnt mean forever

Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much Ive missed you
Yes, Ive been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go
Mamma mia, now I really know
My my, I could never let you go

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Now how did I get talked into this?

Being a recently divorced guy, well not too recent, it's been just over a year now. I haven't been really active in the social scene. So, somehow (and I don't remember being drunk when I said yes), I agreed to go see Mamma Mia with my sister and her friend tonight. Yes, I must be only New Yorker left to be a Mamma Mia virgin, this is my first time, and, I'm dreading the change to that status. What was I thinking? An entire evening sitting through endless ABBA songs? I am agonizing over the fact that I am throwing away a perfectly good evening to see this?? I might need to get out of the house but, at this price? I think I should have my head examined!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

5 Napkin Burger - It's ok...

I finally got to 5 Napkin Burger, this is the burger joint on the West side everyone keeps bragging about and, honestly, I don't know why. Don't get me wrong, it was good but not good enough to justify $13.95 for just a burger, add on onion soup for $8.95 plus a drink and a tip... No burger joint is worth $30+ dollars. I'll stick to a dinner or Burger King for my hamburgers thank you...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jay Leno was it me?

Well last night was met with disappointment. I was eager to see Jay Leno's new primetime show, and, I don't know if it was just me but, I thought it was completely boring. I was glad to see Kevin Eubanks was with Jay but, something was really lacking.

The guests were good, in theory... Jerry Seinfeld, Kanye West, etc but, it just didn't hold my attention. I'm hoping it gets better as it progresses, I like Jay and would hate to see NBC yank him off the air completely.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Blues

I hate Mondays. I did read an interesting column by Jackie Thresten this morning called A realistic budget for a week in New York City - Part 2 well no one ever said New York was cheap! However, I am actually amazed how expensive it really is to visit. The hotel bills are outrageous!

You'd think in this economy they'd be lowering prices. Geez!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13 2009

Yes, I've been a bad boy and not blogging but, it turned out to be a busy summer work-wise, not to mention, fighting off some bad colds during that time period. I have moved on to dating, so far no one is rocking my boat but that's ok, at least I'm out there trying instead of wallowing in self pity.

I found some neat websites I'm following:

Single White Female 42:

Newark Luxury Travel Examiner:


So that's my update